Funny Sadie Hawkins Ideas Prom Proposals

Claudia has been creating content one postal service at a fourth dimension for more than seven years and writes virtually a diverseness of subjects.

Need ideas on how to ask your crush to the Sadie Hawkins dance?  Here are over 60 to choose from.

Need ideas on how to ask your crush to the Sadie Hawkins dance? Here are over 60 to choose from.

Alright ladies, if you lot are reading this, then information technology must be that time of year when it's our turn to ask the guy to a dance. Ok, and so perchance information technology'due south not uncommon for girls to enquire guys out these days, simply it's what's expected for Sadie Hawkins.

If you are asking a friend, information technology'due south a pretty easy process, merely if you are request a crush, and so it takes a little more than nerve. One fashion to help ease those butterflies is to come up up with a fun and unique proposal. Whether you know the guy well, or you lot just admire him from down the hall, a memorable proposal may aid seal the bargain.

Here are 60 plus ideas to help you get your dream engagement. Good luck!

What Is a Sadie Hawkins Trip the light fantastic toe?

Sadie Hawkins comes from the 50'il Abner comic strip. It was a solar day when the unmarried women could hunt the unmarried men and claim 1.

Nowadays, it's an annual school dance where the girls ask the guys.

What to Retrieve Near When Getting Set up to Advise for the Dance

When picking out a Sadie'southward proposal, you don't want to choice your favorite thought. You lot want to choose something that he will like.

Some things to call up about are:

  • What is his favorite sport?
  • What is his favorite band or vocal?
  • What is his favorite hobby?
  • What is his favorite pic, television show, or book?

Y'all as well want to consider his personality. If he's really shy, he might not similar a lot of fanfare in front of half of the school.

Chances are expert that you lot know who you are request fairly well, and then endeavor to think about everything before y'all pop the question.

Tennis is just one of the themes in this list of 60+ Sadie Hawkins proposals.

Tennis is just ane of the themes in this list of 60+ Sadie Hawkins proposals.

Ways to Enquire Someone to the Sadie Hawkins Dance

Let's get started! Here are loads of ideas for yous.

Sports Themes

A sports theme is e'er popular when asking someone to a dance. In fact, in an breezy survey that I am taking in an article I wrote about homecoming proposals, sports is currently the number one theme people adopt.

Theme Text Props needed

Baseball game

You'd be a keen CATCH for Sadie's! Will you lot go?

Poster lath cut in the shape of a baseball mitt and the text written on it.


Can I steal u for Sadie'south?

Poster board cutting out in the shape of a base and the text on it.

Basketball game

Let's have a Brawl at Sadie's!

A basketball game with the text written on information technology.


Idea I'd accept a SHOT... Sadie'southward?

A basketball game with the text written on it.

Cross Country

I'd be so XCited if u'd go to Sadie's with me!

Poster board with text written on it.


Let's Boot it at Sadie's!

A football with the text written on it.

Football game

You lot STOLE my heart. Sadie's?

Poster lath cutting in the shape of a football with the text written on it. Instead of writing out the word heart, draw a heart in it'south place.


Let's ROLL to Sadie's!

Skate board with the text written on a piece of colorful newspaper taped onto the summit.


It's my GOAL to have fun with yous at Sadie's!

Poster board cut out in the shape of a soccer brawl and text on it.


Let's FLY over to Sadie'southward and FREESTYLE on the dance floor!

Poster board with text on information technology and decorated with waves drawn on information technology.


Let's have a Ball at Sadie'southward!

Poster board with text on it. For the word BALL, accept each letter fatigued similar a tennis ball.


I'm WEIGHTING for your answer, Sadie's?

Poster board cut in the shape of a dumbbell with the text written on it.

Gyre to Go on

Read More From Pairedlife

Entertainment Themes

Does your crush spend near of the weekend binge-watching his favorite TV show, or tin can he quote virtually every line from the latest hitting action moving-picture show? Is he the king of playlists?

And then he would probably appreciate a proposal that highlights something along these lines.

Movie and Idiot box

Theme Text Props Needed


Some people are worth taking to Sadie's!

Poster board with text on information technology and Olaf drawn on it.


Sadie's...I'll exist there for u ...Volition u be there for me?

Poster board with text on it.

Harry Potter

Be the Golden Snitch to my Quidditch. Sadie'southward?

Poster lath with text on it and a golden snitch drawn on it.


U R 1 in a Minion! Sadie'due south?

Poster board with text on it and a picture of a minion.

Monsters Inc

I'd exist SULLY not to ask U to Sadie's!

Affiche board with text on it and a moving picture of Mike and Sully drawn on information technology.


I'll exist your Betty if you'll be my Jughead. Sadie's?

Affiche lath with text on it.

Star Wars

In a galaxy far far away I see u & me dancing the night abroad at Sadie's! How almost information technology?

Black poster board with text written in silver and aureate.

Stranger Things

It'd be Strange if we didn't become to Sadie's together!

Poster board with the word Strange written out to await like the bear witness logo.


Sadie's would be SUPER with my Man!

Poster lath with text written on it and the Superman logo drawn on information technology.


Are u Upward for Sadie's?

Poster board with text on it and a bouquet of balloons.

I love this idea for a way to ask a music lover to Sadie's.

I love this idea for a fashion to inquire a music lover to Sadie's.


Theme Text Props Needed

Bon Jovi

I'one thousand Livin' on a Prayer that you'll go with me to Sadie'due south!

Poster board with text on information technology.


U have the PERFECT PITCH for me! Sadie's?

Affiche lath with text on it.

Guitar Pick

I selection U for Sadie's!

Poster board cut out in the shape of a guitar choice with the text written on it.


Don't Stop Believin' that I wanna go with u to Sadie'southward!

Affiche lath with text on it.

Marching Band

Will u MARCH downward to Sadie'due south with me?

Affiche board with text on it and musical notes drawn on information technology. Possibly add some band instrument cutouts.


Theme Text Props Needed

Beauty and the Beast

Dazzler needs Beast like I need you to become to Sadie'south. How nearly it?

Poster lath with text on it and a rose fatigued on information technology.


I'm not throwing away my shot! Will you be the Alexander to my Eliza and become with me to Sadie'southward?

Poster board with text written on information technology.

Phantom of the Opera

Sadie'south, That is all I ask of you

Black poster lath with the text written on and a cherry-red rose drawn on it.


Sadie Hawkins starring U & Me

Poster board drawn like a theater playbill and the text on it.

Other Sadie Hawkins Trip the light fantastic Proposal Ideas

There are so many other ways to ask someone to the trip the light fantastic likewise the ones previously mentioned.

From animal to vesture themes, there is something here for anybody.

Clothing Themes

Theme Text Props Needed


These boots were made for dancin' with you! Sadie'southward?

Poster board with text written on information technology. Instead of writing out the discussion boots, depict a pair of them where the discussion would be.


You'd exist perfectly SUITable for me at Sadie's!

Poster board cut out in the shape of a tie with text written on it.


Let's TEAR it upwardly on the dance floor at Sadie's!

Text written on a t-shirt that has been torn in places. Give him the t-shirt.

Vans shoes

It would be "Off the Wall" if you'd go to Sadie'south with me!

Poster board with the slogan written in a shoe.

Who can say no to a Sadie's proposal with donuts?!

Who can say no to a Sadie'southward proposal with donuts?!

Nutrient Themes

Theme Text Props Needed

Bundt Block

There is no ane BUNDT you that I'd rather become to Sadie's with. How near information technology?

A bundt block and a pocket-sized affiche with the text written on it.


I't be SWEET if u'd get to Sadie's with me!

Poster board with text on information technology and a processed boutonniere.

Craven Sandwich

Don't be Chick'northward, exist my date for Sadie'south!

A chicken sandwich and a poster with the text written on it.


It'd exist GRANDE if you'd LATTE me take u to Sadie's!

Poster board cut out in the shape of a coffee drinkable and the text written on it. Give him his favorite coffee drinkable as a gift.

Cookie Cake


Cookie cake with the text written on it.


Donuts are sweetness, but u r sweeter. Sadie's?

A box of donuts with the text written on the inside of the cover.

Fish Crackers

It'southward kinda cheesy, simply I'm O-Fish-Ally request you to Sadie's. How about information technology?

A purse of cheese fish crackers and poster lath with the text.


Volition u milk shake it up with me at Sadie's?

Poster lath cut out in the shape of a shake with the text on it. A real milkshake would make a nice gift when asking.


It may audio CORNY but Sadie's will be POPPING with you.

Poster lath cut out and decorated like a container of theater popcorn and the text on it.

Starburst Candies

I'g burstin', will you get to Sadie's with me?

A pocket-sized sign with the text and a big bag of Starburst candies.

Animate being Themes

Theme Text Props Needed


You'd be the PURRRRFECT engagement for me at Sadie'south. How most information technology?

Poster board with the text on it and a stuffed true cat every bit a gift.


Would you be a DEER and get to Sadie's with me?

Poster board with text and a blimp deer as a gift.


Sadie's would be RUFF without you!

Poster board with text on it hung around a canis familiaris's neck.


If fishes were wishes and I had ane, I'd try to take hold of you lot for Sadie's.

Poster lath with text on it. Instead of the word fishes, depict some fishes. Decorate with a fish claw or other fishing related items.


I'd be LION if I said I didn't want to become to Sadie's with U! How most it?

Poster lath with text on information technology and a blimp king of beasts.

Teddy Comport

Sadie's would be BEARABLE with you lot!

Affiche board with text on it and a cute teddy acquit gift.


We'd have a Whale of a time at Sadie's! How almost it?

Poster lath with text on it. Instead of writing out the word whale, draw i.

Other Themes

Theme Text Props Needed


Volition yous be my Sadie'due south engagement FORTheNite?

Poster board with text on it.

Full general

This Lady would love to go to Sadie's with you lot!

Poster board with text on it and a bouquet of flowers.


I'g HUNTING for a date to Sadie'south. You GAME?

Orangish poster board with text on it and a target or two drawn on information technology.

Proceed Calm

Go along Calm and go to Sadie's with me!

Poster board drawn like the keep calm slogan with the text on information technology.


Will u FLY to Sadie'due south with me?

Poster board cut out in the shape of a kite and busy. Text written on information technology.


LEGO to Sadie's! Nosotros'll have a blast!

Poster board with text written on it. Spell the word Lego out with bodily legos glued onto the poster.


Are U Complimentary for Sadie's?

Poster board drawn similar the American flag with the text written on information technology.

Solo Cups

Sadie's wouldn't be fun if I had to go SOLO. How virtually information technology?

Affiche board with the text and the discussion SOLO written out in Solo cups.

How Are You Going to Pop the Question?

In that location are so many ways to inquire someone to a Sadie Hawkins dance, so call up hard before you make your choice, and make information technology fun and memorable.

Just remember that no matter how you ask, if he says yeah, you are certain to have a fantastic fourth dimension!

Practiced luck!

© 2018 Claudia Mitchell


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